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Frequently Asked Questions
How would a customer get the plastic fuel?Initially, our power pods will be available directly from us by ordering online, and we expect to also have them available at local department and hardware stores as well. The generator will have a sensor signaling us and/or the customer when they need refills.
What types of plastic does the generator use?The Carismatic Generator is designed to utilize most all types of waste plastics, focusing primarily on non-recyclable plastic. Caris Inc. will continue to encourage the recycling of recyclable plastics. PVC contains additives that are hazardous, therefore at this time, we will not utilize it without further research and development.
How will the generator connect to existing residential homes?The process is similar to connecting solar to any residence, except the generator does not need an inverter as it produces A/C power that is directly available. Plus, the generator will sit outside, next to your home or business, not on your roof, making installation much easier. We expect the generator to work in tandem with most currently existing power systems which have green and conventional sources. This system will allow customers freedom from the public power grid if they choose.
With current research showing micro plastic is in our air and body, can you demonstrate that you are not contributing to this problem?We are using every precaution recommended by OSHA in producing our patented fuel. We will continue to comply with any recommendation of the plastic industries requirements. The delivery of the fuel into the generator will be with a fuel pod that will be sealed when inserted. We expect no unused fuel will escape the generator.
Doesn’t Incineration actually create more pollution? Won’t this make the problem worse?Our process is different. We thermally, with very high temperatures, strip down the micro pulverized plastic to a molecular level where it goes through an electrochemical process in an industrial catalytic converter. It will also apply a process recently developed by the scientists at the US Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory that is open sourced to the public. That process turns carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into ethanol. That fuel will then be redirected back into the generator creating more power. We expect, through further testing, to prove that we will be able to extract most all pollutants with these processes.
How much energy is produced?Plastic has a very similar energy value to natural gas, since plastic is primarily made from natural gas. With continued testing we will be able to determine just how much plastic produces exactly how much electricity. Although, our research and development at this time has proven that plastic fuel is as efficient as natural gas. When fully operational, this sized unit will have the capacity of approximately 12,000 watts. The average home uses 6,000 to 8,000 watts.
Is using plastic as fuel really sustainable?Caris Inc. believes waste plastic should be considered a sustainable fuel, as only 9% of waste plastic is actually reclaimed, upcycled or recycled, and the world continues to manufacture more and more products using plastic. There is enough plastic in the world right now, even if plastic production stopped, to last longer than a hundred years, maybe longer. Our solution here is only one solution, with a world pollution problem that needs many solutions. We want to change peoples’ minds, that plastic has energy value and not something to throw away, but rather, utilize that energy value instead of polluting our planet. If we lead the way, others will follow.
In simple terms, how does it work?The Carismatic Generator uses an electrochemical, thermal, and mechanical process that simply ignites micro small waste plastic particles to create high intensity heat in a ceramic chamber. The super-heated plastic is stripped down to a molecular level, where it combines chemically with a catalytic converter, similar to a system used in a vehicle’s exhaust, eliminating most hydrocarbons. The heat created by this process is captured through a heat-exchange unit, creating steam that spins a turbine then routes that power into an internal generator thus creating electrical energy.
What is the cost of the generator versus solar?We expect the generator will be competitive in price with solar.
Is waste-to-energy considered renewable?While not as widely discussed as a renewable energy resource, waste to energy is considered renewable. With factors such as population growth, rising consumption levels, and continued production of plastic products, there is potential for the waste-to-energy market to increase in the next few years. With further discussion regarding renewable, we are relatively certain we can be classified as renewable and green.
Is your process patented?On April 19, 2022, the Carismatic Generator was formally issued patent #11,306,916 by the United States Patent Office (USPTO) where it is described by them as a “new and useful invention”. And now we have two additional US patents #11,635,205 and #11,774,094. Note: The USPTO only issues patents for devices that can be proven to work through their scientific evaluations. We also hold Canadian patent #3,171,923 and are waiting on the final notification for our European patents. Patent No. 11306916
Why did Dan Caris invent this generator?He has seen so much evidence of the harm that waste plastic is doing to our earth. Knowing that no one had come up with a solution yet, he decided to use his vast knowledge base to develop this process. And in the development of the generator that is ending the life of waste plastic, he realized he could use the residual heat from the process to create electricity for people around the world. Two solutions in one.
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